Welcome to Unity Lincoln


A Positive, Practical, and Progressive

Approach to Christianity


Join us at 10:30 am each Sunday

in person or live-streamed on YouTube or Facebook.


Adeline’s Book Club -Tuesdays at 6:00 pm on Zoom

Please email office@unitylincoln.org for the Zoom link

Metaphysics With Jim Wilson

The Gospel of Thomas

9:00 am Sundays in the library or via Zoom
contact office@unitylincoln.org for the link

Prayer & Brown Bag

Noon Wednesdays

Unity Lincoln

A Positive, Practical, and Progressive Approach to Christianity

Sunday Service & Youth Education 10:30 a.m.

 1941 N. 68th Street
P.O. Box 30209
Lincoln, NE 68503
(Please send all mail to the P. O. Box)
Phone (402) 476-6887

email – office@unitylincoln.org

Come celebrate with us in a worth-ship service because you are worth it!
And then join us in fellowship over refreshments afterward in our Community Room!


 Our Mission

We are a loving spiritual community consciously choosing to
recognize and demonstrate we are God in action.

Our Vision for the World

We joyfully celebrate a loving world of peace, harmony, and abundance.



Unity is a positive spiritual path. We encourage people to explore and apply Unity teachings based on their personal spiritual understanding. We believe this spiritual understanding is enhanced through prayer and meditation.

The Unity way of living incorporates these five basic principles:

  • There is One God.  God is good and everywhere present.
  • The spirit of God lives within each person; therefore, people are inherently good.
  • We create our life experiences through our way of thinking.
  • There is power in affirmative prayer, which increases our awareness of God.
  • Knowledge of these spiritual principles is not enough. We must live them.




We are a nurturing community connecting with all from caring hearts and compassion.


We consciously connect with Spirit and allow it to guide us.
We affirm this Divinity within all creation.


We delight in and encourage our deeply centered happiness.


We recognize, rejoice in, and give thanks for all of God’s gifts.


We embrace each person as a unique expression of God.



Unity Leaves No One Out

Unity Lincoln is an LGBTQ-affirming community.
We are members of MyOutSpirit and join other spiritual communities in celebrating, affirming, and welcoming LGBTQ people.

You are welcome here!